Payment Info form submission

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10 years ago

I'm in the process of developing a payment plugin for the Paymill payment gateway. Part of this involves generating a token through a javascript api and then submitting the form via javascript. I'm having issues with this in the latest version of nopcommerce(3.0)

my problem is that submitting the form via javascript, it is  not hitting the proper action on the controller. Here's the javascript code I'm successfully  using to cause a form submission.

                    var form = $(".payment-info-next-step-button").closest('form');

When this submits the form it seems to simply hit the "PaymentInfo" action again, instead of the "EnterPaymentInfo" action. This seemed to work fine on the plugin I had written for a previous version 2.4. Can someone provide a little insight on what I might need to do to get this working?

10 years ago
disregard this, I figured it out. Was a mere matter of me copying and pasting the wrong bit of javascript :)
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