Update from 1.60 to 1.90 failed. Rollback to 1.60 also failed.

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10 years ago

We've been happily running NopCommerce 1.60 for about 18 months, hosted by got2goweb.com. We've had good results with no database problems. Last week, when I logged on as administrator to our hosting account, I saw a new button labeled something like "Update now to 1.90". I hesitated, but thought "got2goweb must have tested this already and have a rollback method in place, so why not?".

I pressed the tempting Update button and NopCommerce woulldn't run. Instead I saw a script error. The host, got2goweb, said "Allow us to update the SQL server", then rollback to 1.60. I did, and now see only a "500 (Internal Server) Error". Got2goweb tells me that they are receiving this error:

Config Error There is a duplicate 'system.web.extensions/scripting/scriptResourceHandler' section defined Config File \\?\D:\Hosting\5655823\html\nopcommerce\web.config

What do you recommend, please?

Russ Bellew
[email protected]
10 years ago
russb wrote:

Config Error There is a duplicate 'system.web.extensions/scripting/scriptResourceHandler' section defined Config File \\?\D:\Hosting\5655823\html\nopcommerce\web.config

This means that In your web.config that is in your root folder of the application. it's might changed on the upgrade and in that file in the <configSections> i think you will find "scriptResourceHandler" two times so you need to remove the extra one.

10 years ago
Thanks, Umesh. I'll forward your suggestion to got2goweb, the hosting company.

I'll  let you know the outcome.

10 years ago
Hello Umesh,

No, the web.config file contains only one instance of <section name="scriptResourceHandler">.

I've asked the web hosting company (got2goweb) to rollback all directories to the state as they existed one month ago, when 1.60 was running. Will I need to resstore the SQL Server database, as well? NopCommerce 1.60 ran fine before. I hope that it will run again.

Eventually, I'll want to update to 3.x, so that we can present a mobile-adaptive user interface, but I want to do each update slowly, on a test server, one step at a time.

Got2goweb tells me that they will require several days to complete the file restoration.

Thanks again for your help!

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