Upgrade 1.6 to 1.7 (Upgrade Script from your version is not available)

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10 years ago
My website on version 1.6
I have to upgrade in sequence from 1.6 to 1.7 .... 3.0
Unfortunately I got stuck in my first stage of upgrade from 1.6 to 1.7
the procedure I applied

1 - Download 1.7 rar file
2 - Extract files
3 - Upload and replace the extracted contents on my production website
4 - Run the URL
5 - NopCommerce Installation Started with 4 steps
6 - Step 1 "Upgrade from Previous version"
7 - Step 2 Type "SQL Server Name" and "SQL Server account name with password"
8 - Step 3 Select "Use an existing empty database" and Type in the name with both option having tick and untick into box " Dont check if a database exist"
8 - Click Next message " Upgrade Script from your version is not available"

Can someone help please and how I can get Upgrade Script from your version is not available
10 years ago
It was SQL rights issue
I run the upgrade from 1.6 to 1.7 successfully
Now on version 7.0 the only file I copies it back is web.config

I can browse the website the writing are all over the place
the themes are completely changed
Any help please?
10 years ago
Adding one more
There was no Settings.txt and InstalledPlugins.txt files into App_Data directory before upgrade from 1.6 to 1.7
10 years ago
mehdim wrote:
Adding one more
There was no Settings.txt and InstalledPlugins.txt files into App_Data directory before upgrade from 1.6 to 1.7

Hi Mehdim,

This both comes after 2.0 so you will not find it.
10 years ago
Thanks Umesh
Is there something I am missing which can resolve theme issue
There is also two additions on front web page enabled after an upgrade

1 -  Subscribe to newsletters having box to type in email address
2 - Menu Option where Home, Search, and Contact Us There is an addition of My Account Menu

How I can disable the two option please
I have compare the the administration setting with 1.6 they all looks same and seems it is not administration menu
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