I am stuck in godaddy hell

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14 years ago
OK so I have there best shared hosting package. Sorry I forgot the name. I am using tried for three days now to get my store moved from one location to the godaddy site. It was and still is running just fine where it is but i was concerned with to much traffic hitting it where it is located now.

I am starting over right now but I think it will still fail.

Here is what I got to before I got agro and deleted everything to start over. I uploaded my site to godaddy viz there ftp client to the ropot folder. I confirmed it sent all files and sizes matched. I modded my connectstring.cfg I think it is called. I used the 1.3 version of the the SQL server import export wizard. I used this because I have a SQL 2008  MDF and LDF file. the 1.1 everyone says to use will not work for 2008 SQL as far as I know. I sent my database up and it all worked except there was not stored procedures I had help making  ascript to create them and got that up there. Then once that was done I got the site and it looks great all there untill I click on add to cart, add to wish lisst anythign that involves the cart part fails???

This is were i got upset and gave up at 1 am last night only to deleite it all again this mornign to install a fresh version. I think I will have the same issue as when i ran the install scripts though I cannot moive my database infor because it is trying to write to read only colums. even though thye have been written to by nopcommerce.  Thats how they got there data in them.
14 years ago
Do some reading about:

MS SQL server 2005, 2008

  SQL server -- downgrade, upgrade, compatibility.






AND check how goDaddy supports these for the plan you have (I've never used goDaddy so I have no idea what they do or do not support in their plans).

You need to understand this before you carry on.
14 years ago
I thank you for your post telling me to do what I have already done.
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