wheh in march the new version of nopCommerce will be launched ?

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14 years ago
is there any updation about the Tax settings in the next release ?

currently Tax can then be set up only on a per Tax Class (product category) basis.  To set up the same tax on all products would require setting up that tax for each product category separately.  

if there are 10 categories then each tax rate has to be defined 10 times ?
and in country like US in each state tax rate is different for each county(area) and zip code
so if there are 50 different zip codes in each state with each having different tax rate then i have to store tax rate
50 tax rates X 10 Times (10 Categories)= 500Times ?

I know this is the alternate way of doing it :
If we need to apply tax per state basis:
1. Create one tax class
2. Assign each product to this tax class
3. Go to Admin area > Configuration > Tax > Tax Providers. Activate "Tax By Country & State" provider
4. Configure your tax rates for each state (50 times)

So there are 52 states in United States , it means 52 X 50 tax rates for each state (as each zip code in a state has got different tax rate) = 2600 Times we have to do it manually (AND THERE IS NO COMPULSION THAT each state can only have 50 zip codes, it could have more than that)

There should be an easier way in the next release, whenever the country is selected as USA, the tax rate should be calculated according to the zip code , so i guess nopCommerce team should store all the zip codes along with the tax rates behind the code to make is easier for the users to handle it. (I know strike iron is integrated within the nopCommerce but it is a very expensive service and eventually if the nopCommerce USER have to pay for all these features then what's the use of using open source project? )

I don't know if others too who are in US are facing this problem of setting up tax rate manually 1000s of time. It's just my Suggestions /Feedback  to nopCommerce team that they should think about this issue too.
14 years ago
been waiting for the nop1.5 any updates
14 years ago
cooldirtyboy wrote:
been waiting for the nop1.5 any updates

I guess it should be out within 1 or 2 weeks (not more than that) as it's already 15th and nopCommerce team said that 1.5 Version will be out by end of the march
14 years ago
New Enterprise Version has been released, Check it out Here

Little Disappointing : It costs $899, NO MORE FREE Version
14 years ago
Just updating guys, nopCommerce team have reduced the price from $899 to $399

But still feel that it's quite high....
14 years ago
We will be developing the open source edition. We plan to release the next Community Edition in 3 weeks.
14 years ago
$399 is very fair price for a PCI compliant product.  This Certification is not cheap for software companies.

I am glad to see they will continue forward with the Free Product as well.
14 years ago
vsammons wrote:
$399 is very fair price for a PCI compliant product.  This Certification is not cheap for software companies.

I am glad to see they will continue forward with the Free Product as well.

We haven't yet passed an official certification for a PCI compliance. But we're working on it.
14 years ago
nopCommerce team | a.m. wrote:
We will be developing the open source edition. We plan to release the next Community Edition in 3 weeks.

Thanks a lot for Andrei for taking out time from your schedule and answering our questions and clarifying that there always will be the free edition for us. We all appreciate what nopCommerce team is doing / developing for us and we completely understand that nopCommerce team need some income in order to develop something, it's wrong to expect all kinds of updated versions to be free. *Getting Excited* for the next release too in 3 weeks.

Just want to mention here what we would like to see in future versions, as these following features are being asked on this forum again and again by the nopCommerce users:
Including more skins (for store as well as Admin section if possible), More use of java scripts, making menus hover tabs just like you have updated this nopCommerce.com menu tabs with new look, company logo in PDF invoice, deleting multiple products at one go (as currently we have to delete one by one from admin section), importing/exporting products along with the category mapping and pictures of products , Paypal bug of transferring shipping address from website to paypal, Most Important (Integration with Quickbooks) etc
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