Where can I edit product page?

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15 years ago
I want to change product page layout. But when I open Product.aspx I can't find any code.
15 years ago

All products (categories and manufactures) are template-based. Currently there're only one template for products. You can find it here \Templates\Products\VariantsInGrid.ascx
But you can create new templates. So each product can have a different template.
11 years ago
Sorry,  Hate to be probbaly a bit stupid,  but where is Templates\Products\VariantsInGrid.ascx, and can I alter it?  as you can tell I am not a developer.  All I want to do is make the Product Variant Name left justified,  it appears to be right justified
11 years ago
What version of nopCommerce are you using?
11 years ago
apparently I have to use that as I use Godaddy.

Thank you for the reply!!!!!!
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