cant get past install page after a month HELP

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14 years ago
Hi everyone

After a month of mucking around trying to set it all up on a local server to view and modify i cant get past the the first page.

I can program a little in html but obviously i dont have the required nouse to run any of these programs. Just bought the Eguide but have to wait to download it i suppose. this is my previous attempt

i suppose i have a problem with a server setup because i am getting the same errors that other users have been getting but nobody has replied to. some help would be appreciated.

i am using

IIs 7
sql server 2008 express
sql server management studio 2008 express
windows vista home premium
ASP.NET 3.51 SP1
i think i downloaded the closed source version.

this is the error i am getting

A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)

i have been very frustrated with all this but i can see the end product will be a good fit for my business if i can get the hang of it.

If anyone can make any suggestions then i would be most grateful. i would even be prepared to pay someone for their help.

i am keen to get this up and running before my busy season in late july. would appreciate any help

The Photoball King
14 years ago
What do you mean you can't get past the first page?  I'd be happy to help you out.  PM me if you want to discuss over email.  

14 years ago
Hi, installing nopcommerce on a local server should be peanuts. You are probably new to .NET. I am also able to help
14 years ago
"Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server"

Make sure that you specify the instance name as well as the server name. If you server is called "MyServer" then you will to specify MyServer\sqlexpress (where sqlexpress is the instance name - this one just happens to be the default used by SQL Server 2005 SQLExpress).

Hope this helps

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