Cannot go into category and productDetails after data migration

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8 years ago
I recently ported my data from one nopCommerce3.5 database to another by using SQL Server export/import tools on selected tables. I believe I have ported all the tables I need.

However, I noticed I cannot go into categories and product details page after this. Everything else seems okay. I can solved it by opening the category/product from Admin console and save it again. I cannot go into thousands of products I have migrated and click save on all of them. Please help.

From generated html <a href> part is missing. Does anyone know why this is not generated after I migrated my data? I can't find anything in database that is related to this.

Here is example of generated html from a fixed category

<div class="title">
                <a href="/finished-chain" title="Finished Chain">Finished Chain</a>
<div class="picture">
            <a href="/finished-chain" title="Show products in category Finished Chain">
                <img class="lazy" alt="Picture for category Finished Chain" src="" data-original="" />

Here is example of generated html from a bad category
<div class="title">
                <a title="Bails">Bails</a>
<div class="picture">
            <a title="Show products in category Bails">
                <img class="lazy" alt="Picture for category Bails" src="" data-original="" />
8 years ago
I just realized I forgot to migrate table: UrlRecord. All my seo links are missing, therefore I cannot access my category and productDetails. After port UrlRecord table over, my problem is resolved.
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