Reset nopCommerce 3.60 to default settings

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8 years ago

Firstly I apologize in advance if this is a duplicate post.  I have done some searching using 'default settings' in the forums but can't find any posts that deal with my problem.

I have messed up an installation of nopCommerce, and want to start again, without re-creating the database.  I am using external shared hosting, version 3.60 of nopCommerce, installing the web version without source code.

The page at says that all I need to do is delete the settings.txt file.  The implication is that if I do this then re-run the website, that will kick off the setup routine again, no problems.

However, when I do this, I get the error message "Setup failed: Sequence contains more than one element".  What else do I need to do to do a fresh install of nopCommerce into my database?

Does the web page at need to be updated with additional instructions to make this work.


8 years ago
Hi David,

Do you want to completely remove all sample and test data? Or do you want to reset only custom settings but leave all existing data (such as categories, products, etc)?
8 years ago
Thanks Andrei,

I would like to be able to do a complete reinstall of everything, wiping all existing data.  I don't want to keep anything.

But I need to cut down on the number of databases I am using on my hosting, so I am trying to combine tables in databases where possible.  I don't want to go through the database, deleting all the nopCommerce objects one by one, cause that is prone to human error.  And deleting the database is not an option.

What would be ideal is to have a script that is run when the website detects that settings.txt is missing, that checks for pre-existing objects created by any earlier install and deletes them, leaving the path open for a reinstall.

Thanks for your time on this issue, much appreciated.


8 years ago
beanienz wrote:
I don't want to go through the database, deleting all the nopCommerce objects one by one, cause that is prone to human error.  And deleting the database is not an option.

This is the only possible way to re-install the database. You have to delete Settings.txt file and you need an empty database. So if you don't want to delete the database, then you have to delete all objects (tables, stored procedures, functions) in the existing one before re-intalling.
8 years ago
I have my website (3.60) published and many times the error page is shown and other times everything run good, just when some action never are requested for example (Login/Register)...

I have changed the session mode to StateServer thinking at a session problem but the problem continue...

Can somebody help me with that?
7 years ago
a.m. wrote:
Hi David,

Do you want to completely remove all sample and test data? Or do you want to reset only custom settings but leave all existing data (such as categories, products, etc)?

Please tell me I have change the CSS file of theme, I want to reset these file or whole theme to its original style and start putting content again.
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