Paypal standard in to live paypal account not working

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8 years ago
I have tested my site to connect to the Sandbox paypal account and successfully completed the payments. However, when I remove the sandbox connection (in the admin side of nopcommerce), update the PDT Identity Token, tried different combinations of IPIN (default and custom one) the payment fails.

I've checked with paypal and the prod environment's settings are identical to sandbox. Whenever a payment is sent to prod, it fails and the error message i receive is that 'The invoice is already paid'.

In the off-chance that it actually goes through (with no settings change), the confirmation page is different from Sandbox. It gives a successful message for the payment but doesn't redirect the user back to my website. It gives a link to go back, on clicking that link, it takes me to a second paypal confirmation page which autoredirects me to my website but not to the order confirmation, instead it takes me to my home page.

Anyone else facing the same issue?
8 years ago
you can refer below forum

I Hope it helps
8 years ago
Thanks Vipul but my sandbox environment works.

The issues comes up in the prod environment.

Check the image.
8 years ago
Got a fix and I blame paypal unless someone can explain why would they do that.

The token that Paypal provides in the environment is not actually used for verification of the right store charging. My understanding of tokens is that it is a unique identifier that qualifies the connection as a verified user and let the transaction through.

However, paypal uses the email to verify the right account being used. In my case, I changed the business email to the actual paypal email address used by the store to login and it worked perfectly (like clockwork).

The business email that nopcommerce asks for is not the email that you would like users to contact u on, it's actually the email used to register with paypal.

Eg: could be where you want users to contact you on but you can't use that in the "Business email" section of nopcommerce's plugin for paypal standard. You have to use the paypal email (eg: and it will work.
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