eBay Inventory Integration

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14 years ago
Hi folks,

My wife runs an eBay store & currently uses Cube Cart to run an independent ecommerce site and has a nightmare keeping the inventory numbers under control between both sites. She correctly splits her stock between both stores so that, for example, if she has 10 items then 5 are listed on eBay and 5 on her Cube Cart site. The issue comes when she sells out on one site then she has to manually update stock figures on each to keep the sales coming.

So, if she dropped Cube Cart in favour of nopCommerce, can anyone suggest a solution to her problem? Something that automatically (or even semi-automatically) can help management the inventory split?


14 years ago
i cannot comment on cubecart

but at present on nop, she could for example log on as admin and 'buy' the products which are sold from her ebay store - that way she would be able to manage all the stock in one place

Backend order creation/editing is on the 1.6 roadmap - this might make the above even easier to do

look here and vote for ebay integration http://nopcommerce.codeplex.com/WorkItem/View.aspx?WorkItemId=7700
14 years ago
Hi Haydie,

I'm sorry, but I can't see what you mean by "she could ... 'buy' the products which are sold from her ebay store - that way she would be able to manage all the stock in one place". I can't see any option in admin for that kind of thing.

Can you explain more please?


14 years ago
it seems to me that the simplest option would simply be to go to the product varient and manually edit the stock quantities depending on what was sold on ebay
14 years ago
She already does the manual changes based on what was sold on eBay. That's the problem. There needs to be an automated solution. Thanks anyway.
13 years ago
Is this idea dead or is it working on a newer version?
13 years ago
As far as I know nopCommerce hasn't implemented this functionality.

We're likely to go with Magento rather than nopCommerce simply because we need eBay integration.
13 years ago
Do you need to buy it or is it free as well?
13 years ago
We're paying an external company to configure the integration. I understand that Magento has eBay integration out of the box, but you need to customize it for your specific requirements.
13 years ago
Maybe a feature worth building and selling
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