Mega Menu Issue

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8 years ago

I upgraded my nopcommerce from 3.10 to 3.70 successfully,
but when i merge my old code into new version i face error
like i merged my mega menu plugin into newer version faced reference issue
many time i cleanup and build the project but still face same issue even also i re added these references still same issue  
error screenshot ;

Can anybody help me for same

8 years ago
First of all do you clean build the all related projects? may be you did.At mega menu plugin delete all reference because it contains the reference of version 3.1 and after delete add all reference from your current project that mean nopcomeerce 3.7
8 years ago
Yes i do the same i deleted all the old references and added new project's references but still same issue
8 years ago
prince7003 wrote:
Yes i do the same i deleted all the old references and added new project's references but still same issue

But it should not happen.Whatever It clearly shows that the reference are missing. Do you rebuild nop.core,, nop.service,nop.web, nop.admin and nop.web.framework individually? If you did then without go through the plugin it is difficult to detect what is the error.
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