Remove File Extensions With URLRewriting?

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14 years ago
I was hoping to remove the .aspx file extension from all rewritten URLS and just updated the URLrewriting.config.  I tried this but I get 404's

I thought if I just remove the '\.aspx' from the VirtualURL in the config, update the URL's in the global settings to reflect the change... But no.

So I'm guessing there must be some extra configuration in IIS needed?  Anyone else done this or point me in the right direction?
14 years ago
you need to add <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true"> to your web.config for this to run.

i found some problems with the http module after I did this though, as it runs for every request and tries to set cookies on jpgs, javascript files etc. one way round it was to add static file handler declarations in the web.config. another way is to modify the http module to look for only .aspx page requests.

i am not so sure how much it was worth it to be honest! :)
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