and add a 'SubscriberFirstname' column to the newsletter database table ( and create a new message/campaign  template token for this eg %Subscriber.Firstname% )

The reason : Just now, we can send messages like so:

    'Dear %Customer.FullName%,'

in an email but this will look like   'dear , '  to anyone who only signed up for a newsletter because they did not provide a name.

I think what should happen is that the first name of anyone who signs up as a customer and who wants to receive a newsletter
the firstname of somone who only signs up for a newsletter

is added to the newsletter database table - then in campaigns , we can use

    'Dear %Subscriber.Firstname%,'

I added the suggestion to http://nopcommerce.codeplex.com/WorkItem/View.aspx?WorkItemId=8380

(I think a %Customer.Password% token would also be of great use )