Some meta tags have "test "

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14 years ago
Hi there,

I haven't found a method in the administration area to set the meta tags for the Default.aspx, Search.aspx and ContactUs.aspx pages.

They all have:

<title>test page</title>
<meta name="description" content="this is the meta" />
<meta name="keywords" content="test" />

I've checked through quite bit of code and database tables but can't see where these strings come from??

Can the meta tags for these pages be updated via an Admin option?

I can successfully set the meta tags for the AboutUs.aspx page using the Admin=> Content Management => Topics => SEO tab.
14 years ago
try admin-->configuration-->global settings-->SEO/display
14 years ago
The Global Settings -> SEO/Display doesnt make a difference.
The "Enable store name prefix" will prepend the storename but when I entered some default meta data, the data wasn't displayed on the frontend.  They are now configured back as empty fields.

I'm just stuck with a title of "test page" for the pages mentioned.

The problems are as follows:
- The default meta behaviour is not working e.g. using the topic title for the "ContactUs.aspx" page
- Unable to overide the default behaviour by setting the meta content via the SEO tab in the "Edit topic details" page.

Any ideas where the "test page" string is coming from? Could this be a caching issue with 1.50?

It's weird why the AboutUs.aspx is fine while the other pages present the "test" meta data.
14 years ago
it seems to be working fine for me - i checked my contact us page, nowhere says 'test' - it has the default meta data as set in golobal settings

the topics which come pre setup with nop have their own .aspx pages - with codebehind

some of the pages with codebehind eg have the page title set in the codebehind (the title is read from local resource string)

check your resource strings to see if they are as they should be
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