
I created a new plugin and locally it works fine on dev machine.

But on the production machine I am getting an error

The controller for path '/TheControllerName/' was not found or does not implement IController.

I've double checked routes and naming a bunch of times, trying adding a space to the global file and saved, and nothing seems wrong.

My question is what could cause this if I am positive my routeProvider is correct? Bad references with mismatching versions or do I need to do some extra work to navigate through admin pages? Or is this a real bug?

                new {controller = "MyController", action = "AdminPage", area=""},
                new[] { "Nop.Plugin.Misc.PluginName.Controllers" });

on the dev machine, serverLink/MyController/ pulls up the page fine
on production machine, I get error about IController.

I did recycle, restart server, restarted application and cleared cache as well on production server.

My other custom plugins are not having this problem. I also made sure that all my projects are referencing the same framework version.

Any help is appreciated,
