Error while running the 'Keep alive' schedule task. The remote server returned an error: (999) No Hacking.

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7 years ago

I have installed (Clean) NopCommerce 3.80 on een external server. When i went the menu option Configuration > Languages i got the message "Error happened".

I visit the log and i see the following exeception:

System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (999) No Hacking.
   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request)
   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(Uri address)
   at Nop.Services.Common.KeepAliveTask.Execute()
   at Nop.Services.Tasks.Task.Execute(Boolean throwException, Boolean dispose, Boolean ensureRunOnOneWebFarmInstance)

What's goes wrong?

Best Regards,

Carol Esmeijer
7 years ago
Just disable the task. If you wish to use Keep Alive, try Uptime Robot.
7 years ago
Thank you Lam for you suggestion. I had switch off the Keep Alive function and restart nopcommerce. The errormessage in the log has gone.

But even when i go to the configuration > languagaes and i click on the English language the error message Error Happened is stil showing. This message is showed after a trhown 'no hacking'. After that the langgage resource are not showed. But in the data table i can see them.

It's a one store shop and i have set the url on the store host.

Do you have an other suggestion to solve the problemen.

Best regards,

Carol Esmeijer
7 years ago
The 'no hacking' message is not related to the Language error.  "Error happened" seen in the browser is probably due to something happening in browser - like JavaScript or Ajax error...

In the browser, bring up the developer console (F12 in Chrome & IE) and click on the Console tab, so that you will see any errors that will appear.  Then go to Language config page, and when you see the error, note what appears in Console tab, and also immediately go to System > Log to see if a message just got logged and get additional details.
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