Lucene.NET powered search

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13 years ago
I have built a faceted search on top of lucene.NET

It is basically a couple of buttons in the admin to perform the indexing and then .ascx templates for manu and categories.

Would you be interested in my adding a patch?
13 years ago
i would like to see it.
can you send it to me?

[email protected] !!

13 years ago
Year, sounds good, I'll love to see it as well

edecadoudal at yahoo dot com

13 years ago
I am keen as well. damon at
13 years ago
Was just in the process of building this myself.

I would be appreciative if you would share what you have, and I will share what I have done also.

info [at]
13 years ago
i've just finished the initial integration - need to do price/category and spec filtering now.

It is blisteringly fast.

OP, if you have already dont the facet filtering please could you share?

Many thanks
13 years ago
Hello all. I would like to know if this topic is related with the search option in NopCommerce. I need to change the search module in order to allow the user to search for a "red car" and the search result would include "red toyota car" and "honda red civic car".
Can I do this with Is this the easiest solution? I don't want to implement something too complex because this will probably be in the next release o nopCommerce.

Thank you.
13 years ago
Lucene.NET is an indexed based searcher. It creates an index of your catalog to disk, which can then be search against. It has its own in built algorithms to decide which results are most important which means it provides better search results.

I think nopCommerce is going down the SQL route with searching, which I never find to be as good, but maybe they will get it right. is not for the novice, but we are going to release our search once its finished.
13 years ago
Thanks thought for you reply.

Do you have a possible release date for this search module?

And you saying that this can be archived by sql queries right?

Once again thanks!
13 years ago
MS SQL has something called text search, which enables better matching of terms such as red car picking up red toyota car.

However, it doesn't add anything more than that.

With we aim to make filtering by price, category, manufacture, and specifications all possible through the search. This would be more difficult and probably more CPU intensive in SQL.

Lets say your search brought back 1000 products. SQL has to select all 10k products, then loop through each product variant and get prices, categories, manufactures and specs. That includes a lot of queries and would be massively slow.

Because lucene indexs the search, all the heavy lifting is already done, meaning you can execute searches very quickly.

Think Google - Google creates an index which gets searched against, hence how it can execute searches in fractions of a second
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