I've already opened a ticket on Github about this subject: https://github.com/nopSolutions/nopCommerce/issues/1988

Anyway I wanted to get more feedback with other users that have tested Redis caching with medium to high traffic sites.

In the tests I've conducted, the key Nop.lsr.all is the biggest one (>500Kb in our case) and contains all the translations of the site. This is only true if you are loading all the resources upfront when the site starts. This can be avoided disabling this setting when using Redis.

On the other hand, Nop.setting.all is the second biggest (~80Kb) but is requested several times per request (every time a setting is needed). I think that something like the resources can be done and store a key per setting in order to reduce the pressure on the Redis cache.

Beware that this is normal when the application has been using an in-memory cache because in that case, having big objects on it is not a problem at all (they are not serialized and retrieved every time).

Any ideas on how to improve this?