
I am configuring paypal standard payment method with NopCommerce 3.6

I want to know if it is possible to configure a single paypal account for several stores.

From what I see, from paypal I must set up an "Auto Return for Website Payments" from "Website Payment Preferences". I can enter the URL of one of my stores there only. The same goes for the IPN service URL.

Another query; When the customer pays with Paypal, the store redirects the user to the Paypal page in the same window. At the end of the purchase, the customer sees a summary and 2 links, one to return to the Store and another to go to your Paypal account.

If the customer chooses the link to return to the store, Paypal redirects it to another Paypal page, and is finally redirected automatically to the Store.

If this does not happen, the customer does not return to the Store. Is there any way to make this process more user-friendly? Or that the Paypal window opens in another tab for example?

Thank you.