I have a website with the following stores and languages.
www.mydomain.com in English
fr.mydomain.com in French
be.mydomain.com/nl in Dutch
be.mydomain.com/fr in French

I have set localizationsettings.seofriendlyurlsforlanguagesenabled to true for BE and set to false for the 2 other shops. I have also experimented with the setting of localizationsettings.seofriendlyurlsforlanguagesenabled to true or false for all stores or omit this setting at all (which I think defaults to false if not set).

After some time I cannot access BE website anymore. I have not changed anything, it just will give me page not found error (in the respective language).
I don't know why and when it will stop working. I then need to restart the application TWICE and clear cache. Client side cache deleteion with Chrome or Firefox has no effect I have to do this on the server side. Restart application, delete cache, restart application and then it will work. This is very strange.

If I set localizationsettings.seofriendlyurlsforlanguagesenabled to true for all stores it will work. But I do not want en.mydomain.com/en. I f I set localizationsettings.seofriendlyurlsforlanguagesenabled to false it will work, but I do not want be.mydomain.com as the default language is French here and I could not directly link to the Dutch language part of the BE shop.

So it has something to do with the localizationsettings.seofriendlyurlsforlanguagesenabled. How do I have to set it up, so it will work stable? Does anybody have this working?