Below is a sample query to get a stock overview of your all products including those keeping stock by productAttribute. (Nop 3.80 )  Rgds

USE your_nopcommerce_db

WITH ConvertedProductAttributeCombination AS
      CONVERT(XML, AttributesXml) AS AttributesAsXml,
  FROM [ProductAttributeCombination]

ProdAttComb AS
      AttributesAsXml.value('(/Attributes/ProductAttribute/@ID)[1]','int') as ProductAttributeID1,
      AttributesAsXml.value('(/Attributes/ProductAttribute/ProductAttributeValue/Value)[1]','int') as ProductAttributeValue1,      
  FROM ConvertedProductAttributeCombination

SELECT  Product.Id,
FROM dbo.Product
  LEFT JOIN dbo.Product_SpecificationAttribute_Mapping ON Product_SpecificationAttribute_Mapping.ProductId = Product.Id
  LEFT JOIN dbo.SpecificationAttributeOption ON SpecificationAttributeOption.Id = Product_SpecificationAttribute_Mapping.SpecificationAttributeOptionId
  LEFT JOIN dbo.SpecificationAttribute ON SpecificationAttribute.Id = SpecificationAttributeOption.SpecificationAttributeId

  LEFT JOIN dbo.Product_ProductAttribute_Mapping ON Product_ProductAttribute_Mapping.ProductId = Product.Id
  LEFT JOIN dbo.ProductAttribute ON ProductAttribute.Id = Product_ProductAttribute_Mapping.ProductAttributeId
  LEFT JOIN dbo.ProductAttributeValue ON ProductAttributeValue.ProductAttributeMappingId = Product_ProductAttribute_Mapping.Id
  LEFT JOIN ProdAttComb ON ProdAttComb.ProductId = Product.Id AND
      ProdAttComb.ProductAttributeID1 = Product_ProductAttribute_Mapping.Id AND
      ProdAttComb.ProductAttributeValue1 = ProductAttributeValue.Id

Sample Output:

Id Name                    Sku          StockQ  Price  Name  Name  Name          Name  StockQ
54 Gustav - Jeans Stretch 290005  1  179.00  NULL  NULL  FashionSize  XS  1
54 Gustav - Jeans Stretch 290005  1  179.00  NULL  NULL  FashionSize  S  3
54 Gustav - Jeans Stretch 290005  1  179.00  NULL  NULL  FashionSize  M  2
54 Gustav - Jeans Stretch 290005  1  179.00  NULL  NULL  FashionSize  L  2
54 Gustav - Jeans Stretch 290005  1  179.00  NULL  NULL  FashionSize  XL  1
54 Gustav - Jeans Stretch 290005  1  179.00  NULL  NULL  FashionSize  XXL  1