I'm suggesting new events similar to the idea of CustomerRegisteredEvent (names are just examples):
1. CustomerProfileUpdated - fires when Customer updates their profile or when admin does
2. CustomerCreatedEvent - fires when Admin creates a new Customer - or maybe the admin creation can trigger CustomerRegisteredEvent too?

This would help with custom plugins where you need to sync (Registered) Customer details to some external service. I know we have the Entity handlers, but the EntityUpdated<Customer> fires a lot. For example, I only care about basic profile details (name, addresses, etc...), but the EntityUpdated<Customer> triggers every time someone logs in, multiple times during shopping cart/checkout process, etc...  I would like to prevent unnecessary API calls to the external service.


EDIT: Nevermind, I see it now in CustomerController.
Side note: Why doesn't CustomerRegistrationService.RegisterCustomer() trigger CustomerRegisteredEvent?