Good day, I recently was shut off by the hosting company Winhost because they tell me that I had malicious files embedded on my site.

This is what they sent me.  I am still running 3.2 and NOP template accordingly.  They tell me if I clean my site, I can get it turned back on. I am clueless at this point. I dont even know where to start.  They recommended a site called Everleap but it is flat out costly for hosting.  Any suggestions would be welcomed.  Thank you so much.


Your account was found to contain one or more malicious files:


Hackers were using these uploaded scripts in an attempt to compromise the server. Due to the severity of the issue, we have suspended web access.

We suspect that the files were placed into your account without your knowledge through a file uploading application - either a third party file uploader, one that you wrote yourself or a known vulnerability with your application