
I am trying to use the dropdown field available in Adminarea for non-Adminarea.

I want to be able to write letters into an input box and filter by my input. Show up the dropdownlist filtered by the letters I put into the box before.

I have tried 2 ways but none is working.
1) html.EditorFor

I have used same Lists and Helpermethods but it simply won't show up-
The properties are filled! I have been using them on a different solution that I wanted to replace with standard helper... I I can finally get it to work XD

What do I need to add to my code to get this running in my Plugin on the public area?
I also tried adding various stylesheets (don't know really if I need those)

    var kendoVersion = "2014.1.318";
    Html.AppendCssFileParts(string.Format("~/Administration/Content/kendo/{0}/kendo.rtl.min.css", kendoVersion));
    Html.AppendCssFileParts(string.Format("~/Administration/Content/kendo/{0}/kendo.default.min.css", kendoVersion));
    Html.AppendCssFileParts(string.Format("~/Administration/Content/kendo/{0}/kendo.common.min.css", kendoVersion));

{... some code....}

@Html.EditorFor(model => model.SelectedStationStartId, Model.StationStart )


    public IList<SelectListItem> StationStart;

        public IList<int> SelectedStationStartId;

Any hint appreciated !