Developing Buckaroo payment module (dutch module)

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15 years ago

At this moment I am working to develop a new payment module that supports buckaroo (buckaroo then again supports other payment methods like iDeal, mastercard, transfer, etc). More and more web shops in Holland use this payment method that is the reason why I would like to write this module.

At this moment development is going ok, the problem I am walking into now is on adding the custom configuration fields to the payment module administration panel. I was testing a bit with the existing template from MoneyBookers and I see that when I comment out the BindData() method the email field still gets populated with the email address. I assume that maybe the source is compiled somewhere but I can not find out where this is. I commented it out in the file: ConfigurePaymentMethos.ascx.cs under Administration\Payment\MoneyBookers\.

Can someone explain to me how this works, how I can add my custom fields to the module I am creating. My module is almost working, I only need to have 3 modifiable fields from the administration panel. My module is just called Buckaroo.

Kind regards,

Bart de Boer
Developer @
15 years ago
1. Ensure that you use nopCommerce version with source code.
2. Go to admin area, then Configuration, then Payment, then Payment methods.
3. Add new payment method (Buckaroo).
4. Add/implement approapriate controls/classes (Configuration template path, User template path, Class name) that you set during adding your payment method (step 3)
14 years ago
Contact us if you need Buckaroo integrated. We have it up and running.
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