Hello Everyone

I'm developing an API plugin on Nop3.9 and I want to make URL versioning for my API.
I've registered this route in my RouteProvider class:

public void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
                 new { id = UrlParameter.Optional },
                 new[] { "Nop.Plugin.Api.Zarvan" }

As you see I need same controller action for different versions, so I made directories under my controller folder that represent the versioning like V1_1 OR V1_2 etc.

therefore my namespaces are like these for same controller and action:

I Solve this problem by overriding DefaultControllerFactory like this:

namespace Nop.Web
    public class ZarvanApiControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory
        protected override Type GetControllerType(RequestContext requestContext, string controllerName)
            if (requestContext.RouteData.Values["ZarvanApiVersion"] != null)
                var targetVersion = requestContext.RouteData.Values["ZarvanApiVersion"].ToString().Replace(".", "_");
                requestContext.RouteData.DataTokens["namespaces"] = new[] { "Nop.Plugin.Api.Zarvan.Controllers.V" + targetVersion };
            return base.GetControllerType(requestContext, controllerName);

But I,m have to put this on Nop.Web and register it in Global.asax like:

And it's works fine.

But my question is how can I override DefaultControllerFactory on my plugin structure?