Showing Vendors ID in Vendor List

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5 years ago
Hey guys how are you doing ?

Can someone please tell me how do I show the vendor id at the list of vendors ?

I already added the field, went to VendorMap, VendorModel, Vendor.cs  and VendorValidator adding the get;set; but still doesn´t work.

Thanks !
5 years ago
You just need add a new column in grid (Areas\Admin\Views\Vendor\List.cshtml).
For example:

columns: [{
     field: "Id",
     title: "Vendor Id",
     width: 300
}, {
     field: "Name",
     title: "@T("Admin.Vendors.Fields.Name")",
     width: 300
}, {
     field: "Email",
     title: "@T("Admin.Vendors.Fields.Email")",
     width: 300
}, {
     field: "Active",
     title: "@T("Admin.Vendors.Fields.Active")",
     width: 100,
     headerAttributes: { style: "text-align:center" },
     attributes: { style: "text-align:center" },
     template: '# if(Active) {# <i class="fa fa-check true-icon"></i> #} else {# <i class="fa fa-close false-icon"></i> #} #'
}, {
     field: "Id",
     title: "@T("Admin.Common.Edit")",
     width: 100,
     headerAttributes: { style: "text-align:center" },
     attributes: { style: "text-align:center" },
     template: '<a class="btn btn-default" href="Edit/#=Id#"><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i>@T("Admin.Common.Edit")</a>'}]
5 years ago
Fixed guys if someones need to , send me a pm
5 years ago
runs it was not that simple I was forced to edit something in the  vendorController.cs
5 years ago
Hi guys,

Can someone please tell me how do I get rid of the label which is showing as below for a newly added field ContactNumber:-


I added this column "ContactNumber" in Vendor table and modified all the required files which is working fine except this label issue which I am unable to resolve.
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