If some one could give me a clue on how to solve this, it would be just great!

When a nopcommerce store has a lot of manufacturers, the topic block used for displaying them on the home page can take lots of space on the left column, displacing newsletter and other important info you may have in the column.

So the need here is to show the top 10 manufacturers on the home page, while showing all the manufacturers on the manufacturers page.

To show the manufacturers on the home page, the store uses the ManufacturerNavigation.ascx which also makes use of the Stored Procedure Nop_ManufacturerLoadAll trough ManufacturerManager -> DBManufacturerProvider -> SQLManufacturerProvider.GetAllManufacturers.

Tho show the manufacturers on the manufacturers.aspx, it does the same thing: ManufacturerManager.GetAllManufacturers -> DBManufacturerProvider -> SQLManufacturerProvider.GetAllManufacturers

So the solution is "simple":

1. Make a new stored procedure on the db, call it Nop_ManufacturerLoadTop10, modify it so it only shows the top 10 manufacturers you need

2. Add new function definition to DBManufacturerProvider, call it GetTop10Manufacturers
3. Add new function to SQLManufacturerProvider, call it GetTop10Manufacturers

4. Add new definition of the function to ManufacturerManager

5. Modify code behind  ManufacturerNavigation.ascx so its Bind method uses the new SQLManufacturerProvider.GetTop10Manufacturers

And that should be all... but it is not working!!!!!

I've been working on this for several days (not full time, but a lot of hours of efforce) and no matter what I try both home page and manufacturers page show 10 or all manufacturers, but both do the same, so it keeps showing the same number of manufacturers both in the home page and manufacturers page!!

I've doing a lot of step into and step over debuging, but it seems kind of random, some times using one method, some times using the other..

Any suggestion? any alternative?