Sage Pay

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13 years ago

When choosing to go with the Sage Pay payment provider do you have to use inFrames / Server / Direct or forms?

Also what is the vendor description field?
13 years ago
The current sagepay provider uses the forms method.  

The vendor description is 100 characters of free text which is passed as part of the payment transaction.  Its supposed to be used by you to describe the goods and/or services being purchased and is displayed on the SagePay Form that the customer fills in with their payment details.
13 years ago
Thank you for the update on this - it was very helpful.

I had bought the user manual for 1.80 thinking that it may help but it doesnt, it covers about 5 other providers but not sagepay :o(
13 years ago
Hi DW,
I needed to use SagePay Server integration for my project, enabled the SagePay option and thought 'great - works out of the box'. But then found that you only get Forms. I've rolled my own code to use Server integration; a new class to handle the payment request, and a change to the SagePaySuccess.aspx form to catch the outcome.

Haven't got round to posting it for incorporation into the full build, but would be happy to send you the code if you need it.

(Built on version 1.80.)

13 years ago
I would be really interested in this code would you mind sharing?



[email protected]
13 years ago
Just been looking at the SagePay provider and I see it doesn't support recurring payments. Is that a limitation of SagePay or the provider? Does yours do recurring payments?
13 years ago
No - I dont take recurring payments. So havent looked into this option.

Achambers - sorry for the REALLY late reply. We ended up going with the Forms option. But if you have the code it might be worth sending to one of the admins to include the extensions list or to maybe integrate into future releases of nop as choice for nop users?
13 years ago
achambers wrote:
Hi DW,
I needed to use SagePay Server integration for my project, enabled the SagePay option and thought 'great - works out of the box'. But then found that you only get Forms. I've rolled my own code to use Server integration; a new class to handle the payment request, and a change to the SagePaySuccess.aspx form to catch the outcome.

Haven't got round to posting it for incorporation into the full build, but would be happy to send you the code if you need it.

(Built on version 1.80.)


Hey Allister,

If you wouldn't mind sharing, I'd be really interested in this too. email: jacques -AT-


13 years ago
Hi Allister,

I've made the same mistake and thought that SagePay was a server implementation! I'd be very grateful for your server code and would be happy to make a payment to you or your favourite charity. Would you be able to send the code to paul(AT)

13 years ago
Hey Paul,

Another developer "Miles" has just sent me his implementation of Sage Pay Direct for V1.6, I'm currently exteneding now to support, Capture, Refund and Void too.

Ooo Just got your email and will reply with Miles' current code.


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