1.8 Admin - Manage Products - Search Results

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13 years ago
When you go in the admin and manage your products, type in a product name, category or manufacturer, click search and edit a product, click "back to product list", is it possible that it goes back to your search results instead of the entire catalog?

Currently it goes back to the entire catalog. If im editing a few products in a cateogry, I have to do a new search every time i click on "back to product list" to edit another product in that category. Just a lot of repeated steps...

13 years ago
when you have your search results page, hold the ctrl key and click edit - it will open up the product in a new browser tab

- makes life a lot easier :)

also useful if you are editing categories, resource strings, settings .......

- hayden
13 years ago
Ya that's one way around it which I currently do, but it still would be nice the have the search results saved. Me personally, I have lots of windows open and other websites open in my browesers. Having more windows adds to the maddness ;)

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