How hard would it be to add a new section under "content management"?

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13 years ago
I've been looking adding a section into the content management area where we would allow an admin to be able to upload images and edit css. Perhaps call it "Theme Management"

Has anyone else done this? We'd like to be able to offer the client a way to let their designers work directly on the css and images without giving them access to anywhere but the website admin.

13 years ago
13 years ago
You can create a page and put there fckeditor (tinymce/htmleditor) and let the designer edit the css files from current theme.
But it will not be very user friendly, because usually people customize the forms themselves, not only the css.
Anyway if you still want to do it, start by adding your page to nopcommercestore/admnistration/admin.sitemap
Then you will see it in the menu.
13 years ago
It would be nice if nop had an editor like WordPress's!  You have my vote :D
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