SSL Certificate

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13 years ago

My boss has recently purchase the SSL Certificate from RapidSSL. He wants me to install it.

I am very new to this process and don't really know where to start. What I do know is that I have received 2 emails:
One if from Arvixe which hosts my site and the email message is like this:


The issue has been fixed and your SSL certificate generated and installed. Also, because an SSL certificate requires a dedicated IP address I have gone ahead and assigned one to your domain ($2.00 per month). The IP is 123.456.789.01 (you can view your site at http://123.456.789.01 while the IP change is propagating).


By looking at the above email, I can assume that the SSL Certificate has been installed on the server of my hosting site? Am I right or wrong?
And the second email is from [email protected] and the message is like this:


Congratulations! Your RapidSSL Certificate has been issued and is pasted at the bottom of this email.

Certificate installation instructions for many popular web servers are located at:

When you have installed your certificate we strongly recommend that you back up your certificate. The installation instructions contain directions on how to backup.

Self-Service Reissuance)

By looking at the above 2nd email sent from RapidSSL, I know that I need to install/embed this certificate into my site?
where do I go from here?

Thanks in advance for your help!
13 years ago

Installing SSL on your nopcommerce based website is quite easy;
Open web.config file >  Find 'UseSSL' attribute > Set its value to true

That's it

For more information - take a look at this topic:
13 years ago
Thanks so much!
13 years ago
13 years ago

you should remove it from your post immediately so that no-one can see it   :)

you need to get in touch with your hosting company and tell them you have a certificate you would like installed for your website

or install it yourself via IIS

- hayden
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