I would like to set a promotion for customers complying the following conditions:
- order must be superior to 100€
- shipping country is Spain, promotion does not apply for other countries.

I have not find any way to combine promotions.
A workaround could be to set the promotion by shipping method (we are using UPS Standart for Spain minus Baleares & Canary Islands and Express Saver for international and Canary + Baleares). But we would have the risk that a user selecting standart method for international shippment would benefit the promotion.

Another workaround would be to set a group for users eligible for promotion (Spanish users minus Islands) and assign these users to this group. Then create a promotion that would allow a fixed discount (same price for shipping in whole iberic peninsul) for that category. But i can not limit to orders superior to 100€.

Any other suggestions?