Shared checkout between multiple sites

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13 years ago

We are in the middle of requirements gathering for trying to implement a shared checkout between multiple nopcommerce stores. The reason for this is to reduce the expense of purchasing a new ssl cert for every store that we host. It also allows us to deploy our customers sites more quickly.

I have an idea about how this could work, but wanted to throw this out to the community to see if anyone else had attempted to do this. Mythought is that upon checkout the customer would get redirected to a checkout page that would use some sort of a token to be able to pull all checkout data and process the order.

Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated!

13 years ago
so nobody? Any of the contributing developers care to have a conversation about how this might be achieved?
13 years ago
Hi Jeff,

A similar kind of idea was proposed earlier and many nop Users expressed their views and ideas about it.

This discussion thread might be helpful for you:
13 years ago
Actually, i'm not so much worried about the shared database as I am interested in a shared checkout. It's the one manual piece we have left of the cart. we've done a lot of customizations to automate the process such as.

- created a new area inside of content management for "theme management" where an admin can upload images and edit the css for their theme
- instituted product count limitations for tiered pricing.
- created a management app for a reseller to spin up a site in a matter of minutes (the app creates the site in IIS, unzips a compiled copy of the app, creates the db etc.)

The SSL piece is still a rather annoying thing that is stopping us from being able to have a fully functional encrypted site in a matter of minutes. which is where the shared checkout idea comes from. Shopify uses something similar to this for their sites. Basically all of their sites utilize one checkout area so that they don't have to have a seperate IP address and ssl cert for every store.

Am I making sense?
13 years ago
I guess I'm shelving this idea for a few weeks while we work on other items. I'm still very interested in what others have to say about this.
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