Hi All,

I am just starting out with nopcommerce and have chosen Worldpay in the configuration area.  When I put a test order through, it redirects me to worldpay's testing screen at https://select-test.worldpay.com/wcc/purchase however it states there:

Secure Payment Page
Sorry, there was an error in processing this transaction:
The information sent from the merchant's site is invalid or incomplete. Please send the following information to the merchant:

The transaction cannot be processed due to one or more of the following:

    * the installation ID field is blank or contains invalid characters
    * a different submission protocol is required. For instance, a more secure submission may be required
    * the installation number is invalid

Server information 08/Jun/2009 16:02:46 Server ID mg1imscs5pa (WPReq-6310)

I am not sure what variables/fields I need to set/fill out to make the test order work?  Any pointers appreciated, I have looked around but can not see anything obvious.

Is it a case that I have to sign up with WorldPay before i get the test environment?
