Mobile top menu shows different from regular top menu

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4 years ago
I have the strangest thing happening on my NopCommerce 4.20 instance
On the top menu, I have removed categories from being shown - so computer jewelry etc are not shown. However, they appear when the website is moved into a mobile setting. Is there a setting or something i am missing that needs to be set on the mobile version as well? I'm using the default theme
4 years ago
It should be same. Did you tried clear cache or restart just to check if that resolves the issue?
4 years ago
I tried both, I tried to restart the IIS and clear cache. Neither helped.
4 years ago
Albert.Chavez wrote:
I tried both, I tried to restart the IIS and clear cache. Neither helped.

Which theme are you using?
please check Theme > Views  > Shared > Components > TopMenu ? Default.cshtml file and check there.
Might be there hardcoded menu for mobile mode.
3 years ago
I was facing the same issue with my website I took a lot of time to solve this problem. Thanks for helping me out.
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