i have implemented this banners, i am able to add banner in administration section, but i m not able to view that banner in home page..
The following are my values in the administration section:

Details Banner : Home
Url Link:   http://localhost:11139/Default.aspx
Target Link: http://localhost:11139/Default.aspx  
Image: uploaded .jpg file
Position Name:   Banner3C
Display Order:   1
Actived   :1

In home/Default page , i have the following code

Registering Banner control
        <%@ Register TagPrefix="nopCommerce" TagName="Banner" Src="~/Modules/Banner.ascx" %>

added the script
   <script src="http://localhost:11139/Scripts/magicimage.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Then using the control..
     <nopCommerce:Banner ID="Banners3C" runat="server" />

Please help me...