This is for those of us who first purchased hosting plans with GoDaddy, not knowing how difficult it was going to be to publish your nc store. Hope it helps someone.

After tweaking/creating your nopCommerce site on localhost.

1. Be sure to update your 'ConnectionStrings.config' file to reflect your GoDaddy credentials

eg: Hostname - "", Database Name and Password.

2. Publish site (be sure that the 'install' folder is included in your visual studio project)

3. Upload the published files to your hosts directory for your GoDaddy account (/root, /home, /, etc). I recommend using an FTP app or mapping to your GD FTP folder on Win7 (Mac too, but I haven't tested). GoDaddy's FTP window is funky and slow and funky.

3. In your hosting account settings... Create a database - Databases tab --> SQL Server -->Create Database

4. Give it the same credentials that you set up in your 'ConnectionStrings.config' file (name, password), and select 2008 for the database version, YES to *allow remote access,... you don't need to select the DSN or ASP check boxes.

5. Load your domain into your browser and the typical nopCommerce install screen should now appear. Continue with the install NEW but be sure to target your existing database on the following screens. Hopefully soon after you will see the complete page asking you to confirm your admin email/password setup then view your site at the bottom. Success.

6. Back in GoDaddy's hosting control center --> Databases --> SQL Server. Delete the database you just created.

7. Create a new Database with the same credentials as before (step 3).

8. *Inside SQL Management Studio connect to your shared hosting db location with your credentials. Select your db in the list. Create a New Query. Open File--> locate your exported db.sql data and load into SQL MS. Execute.

This should give a 'Query executed successfully' message after some time. (Depending on the size of your sql db).

Back in your browser Refresh the page. You should see your site populated with the data you were accustom to in the localhost environment.

And it now works on GoDaddy Hosting.

I tried to document the steps as best as I could and apologize if there are errors along the way for others.