I am writing a new NewsDetails in source view using the fckeditor.  My content includes a few links, but when I click to save the new news item, the links in the FCKeditor source view disappear.  The links are being saved in the database but are removed from the available source in the FCKeditor. Is ther a way to keep the links in the FCKeditor source so I can edit them periodically?

Links like this are removed:
        <a href="http://www.cboysworld.com/ss/img/bmx/bmx_5_25_10_0003.jpg" rel="bmx"  title=""></a>
        <a href="http://www.cboysworld.com/ss/img/bmx/bmx_5_25_10_0004.jpg" rel="bmx"  title=""></a>
