Order Processing Emails Stuck In Message Queue

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13 years ago
Hi Everyone - I have recently tried to send the messaging emails from Order Processing to my smtp server. The system I am using is Windows Server2003 64 Bit version, IIS6 and Framework 4.0.

I had tested the smtp part by sending the "Test Message" successfully. All my other mail also uses the same smtp server without problems.

I also noticed that using the system through VS2010 works without problem, however on the IIS 6 hosting server it remains in the queue.

I am not sure if t needs the "Message Queuing" component of Server2003 selected, currently I do not use it.

The message queue manager says there are 0 retries and its status is "not sent". This implies that the task scheduling the email queue is not being called.

My first check was to ensure that the "Emails" task in the Web.Config file was set to true and it was. This implies that maybe there should be a "Windows Service" running in the background. However I did'nt notice one in the "Task Manager or a service using the "Services Manager".

I am using Windows SEQ SVR Express 2008 which as I understand it does not support the SEQ Agent, so I presume the queue is not part of the Agent Triggering mechanism and is therefore not using the system xp_sendemail stored proceedure, but its own proceedure.

I also had the thought of trying to debug the task using IIS6 rather than the local host debugging web server. However I ran into trouble here. Apparently for this to work it needs the Front Page Extensions, which are not part of the Add/Remove Programs part of the Windows Component of the Control Panel. The 64 bit version need to be downloaded seperately.

I did manage to locate the 64 bit version of the Front Page Extensions and down loaded and executed it successfully. I then changed the permissions to 'allowed' in the IIS manager -  Web Extensions. This all seems to work ok

Finally I also ran iis_reg.exe -u (uninstall) followed by iis_reg.exe -i. It uninstalled it ok but failed to reinstall it correctly. So I had to reset the framework back to 4.0 manually and re-boot the web server. This then made the web server again work in framework 4.

It would be good to get this IIS6 debugging to work so any suggestion would be welcome.

As for the actual message queue from what I've already read here in the forums it seems to work under IIS7 using a different application pooling system. Not sure how to set this up - if its possible in IIS6.

I also notice many people viewing the problem but only a few answers - so if anybody had a method to track this down I think it may solve many users problem!!
13 years ago
Perhaps, the following topic will help https://www.nopcommerce.com/boards/t/7912/queued-emails-and-nopcommerce-190-under-medium-trust-bug-fix.aspx
13 years ago
Thanks for the info - I had seen this post before. In my case its not repeated mails being sent its no mail being sent from the queue whwn using IIS 6. But it does send the mail when debugging under VS2010. This looks like a hard bug which needs serious investigation/explanation from your development team.
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