Problem in edit detail of order from backend

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2 years ago
I tried to edit Qty or Discount of one product in order detail from backend.
order status is pending.

Incl tax:
Excl tax:

Qty 3 ( edited )

DISCOUNT ( edited )
Incl tax:
Excl tax:

Incl tax:
Excl tax:

After SAVE  the discount values remain to 0,00 ( Excl. Tax and Incl.Tax.) and Qty remain as original value ( 1 ).
The note "Order item has been edited"  is also inserted.

What can be the reason ??

EDIT and SAVE "ORDER TOTALS" Instead it works !
2 years ago
What is the nopCommerce version of your store?
2 years ago
NOP 4.40.4
2 years ago
May be on OrderSettings, this specific settings is enabled at your store, AutoUpdateOrderTotalsOnEditingOrder. Which cause not using your provided values directly.

Is it happening for all product in any order?
Please also check product availability and stock for that product.
2 years ago
rmahbub63 wrote:
May be on OrderSettings, this specific settings is enabled at your store, AutoUpdateOrderTotalsOnEditingOrder. Which cause not using your provided values directly.

Is it happening for all product in any order?  YES
Please also check product availability and stock for that product.

AutoUpdateOrderTotalsOnEditingOrder is setted to TRUE
Availability is ok and stock is ok in all products that I tried to edit.

I edited some orders details a few days ago without any problems.
I haven't changed any Nop configurations in the last few days.
I tried clearing the cache and restarting the application, but the problem still exists.
2 years ago
Do you have installed any new plugin on last few days? I have checked from nopCommerce demo site it's working fine
2 years ago
If it happened for all products/orderItem, please check if there is any error log at System > Log list?
Looks like for some reason your otder items Quantity are not adjusting properly hence values are not being changed. Please be sure about the product Edit page configuration!
2 years ago
I have no warning or error in the log
Also I uninstalled a recent custom plugin

Settings list conf. that contain "edit" in name:

Id  Name  Value  StoreId
33  commonsettings.bbcodeeditoropenlinksinnewwindow  False  0
63  adminareasettings.richeditoradditionalsettings    0
64  adminareasettings.richeditorallowjavascript  False  0
65  adminareasettings.richeditorallowstyletag  False  0
66  adminareasettings.usericheditorforcustomeremails  False  0
67  adminareasettings.usericheditorinmessagetemplates  False  0
73  producteditorsettings.producttype  False  0
74  producteditorsettings.visibleindividually  False  0
75  producteditorsettings.producttemplate  False  0
76  producteditorsettings.admincomment  False  0
77  producteditorsettings.vendor  False  0
78  producteditorsettings.stores  False  0
79  producteditorsettings.acl  False  0
80  producteditorsettings.showonhomepage  False  0
81  producteditorsettings.allowcustomerreviews  False  0
82  producteditorsettings.producttags  False  0
83  producteditorsettings.manufacturerpartnumber  False  0
84  producteditorsettings.gtin  False  0
85  producteditorsettings.productcost  False  0
86  producteditorsettings.tierprices  False  0
87  producteditorsettings.discounts  False  0
88  producteditorsettings.disablebuybutton  False  0
89  producteditorsettings.disablewishlistbutton  False  0
90  producteditorsettings.availableforpreorder  True  0
91  producteditorsettings.callforprice  False  0
92  producteditorsettings.oldprice  False  0
93  producteditorsettings.customerentersprice  False  0
94  producteditorsettings.pangv  False  0
95  producteditorsettings.requireotherproductsaddedtocart  False  0
96  producteditorsettings.isgiftcard  False  0
97  producteditorsettings.downloadableproduct  False  0
98  producteditorsettings.recurringproduct  False  0
99  producteditorsettings.isrental  False  0
100  producteditorsettings.freeshipping  False  0
101  producteditorsettings.shipseparately  False  0
102  producteditorsettings.additionalshippingcharge  False  0
103  producteditorsettings.deliverydate  False  0
104  producteditorsettings.telecommunicationsbroadcastingelectronicservices  False  0
105  producteditorsettings.productavailabilityrange  False  0
106  producteditorsettings.usemultiplewarehouses  False  0
107  producteditorsettings.warehouse  False  0
108  producteditorsettings.displaystockavailability  False  0
109  producteditorsettings.minimumstockquantity  False  0
110  producteditorsettings.lowstockactivity  False  0
111  producteditorsettings.notifyadminforquantitybelow  False  0
112  producteditorsettings.backorders  False  0
113  producteditorsettings.allowbackinstocksubscriptions  False  0
114  producteditorsettings.minimumcartquantity  False  0
115  producteditorsettings.maximumcartquantity  False  0
116  producteditorsettings.allowedquantities  False  0
117  producteditorsettings.allowaddingonlyexistingattributecombinations  False  0
118  producteditorsettings.notreturnable  False  0
119  producteditorsettings.weight  True  0
120  producteditorsettings.dimensions  True  0
121  producteditorsettings.availablestartdate  False  0
122  producteditorsettings.availableenddate  False  0
123  producteditorsettings.markasnew  False  0
124  producteditorsettings.published  False  0
125  producteditorsettings.relatedproducts  False  0
126  producteditorsettings.crosssellsproducts  False  0
127  producteditorsettings.seo  False  0
128  producteditorsettings.purchasedwithorders  True  0
129  producteditorsettings.productattributes  True  0
130  producteditorsettings.specificationattributes  True  0
131  producteditorsettings.manufacturers  False  0
132  producteditorsettings.stockquantityhistory  False  0
422  shoppingcartsettings.allowcartitemediting  True  0
428  ordersettings.autoupdateordertotalsoneditingorder  True  0
541  forumsettings.allowcustomerstoeditposts  False  0
557  forumsettings.forumeditor  BBCodeEditor  0
580  vendorsettings.allowvendorstoeditinfo  False  0
2 years ago
Edit the qty only works by setting the ordersettings.autoupdateordertotalsoneditingorder = FALSE

But in this way the auto-update of the total is not done and this is NOT good for me !
2 years ago
If there is no issue regarding product and there is no error log then sorry without checking in hand can't give you any solution!
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