Non existing page - first 302 and then 404

1 year ago
When I enter wrong url (non existing page), then the browser get HTTP 302 redirect to /page-not-found and then the content of "pagenotfound" with status 404  (so the url in the browser is /page-not-found).
In your demo site the browser stay on the original url directly with 404 status and with the content "pagenotfound". How can I achieve the same behaviour, ie. not the intermediate redirect?

nopcommerce version 4.60
5 months ago
I updated the code in my installation in src/Presentation/Nop.Web.Framework/Infrastructure/Extensions/ApplicationBuilderExtensions.cs

original line 173 with redirect:
context.HttpContext.Response.Redirect(context.HttpContext.Request.PathBase + pageNotFoundPath);

replaced by my custom function
await CreateHandlerAsync(context, pageNotFoundPath);

and the method is

private static async Task CreateHandlerAsync(StatusCodeContext context, string path)
    var newPath = new PathString(
        string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, path, context.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode));

    var originalPath = context.HttpContext.Request.Path;
    var originalQueryString = context.HttpContext.Request.QueryString;

    var routeValuesFeature = context.HttpContext.Features.Get<IRouteValuesFeature>();

    // Store the original paths so the app can check it.
    context.HttpContext.Features.Set<IStatusCodeReExecuteFeature>(new StatusCodeReExecuteFeature()
        OriginalPathBase = context.HttpContext.Request.PathBase.Value!,
        OriginalPath = originalPath.Value!,
        OriginalQueryString = originalQueryString.HasValue ? originalQueryString.Value : null,
        Endpoint = context.HttpContext.GetEndpoint(),
        RouteValues = routeValuesFeature?.RouteValues

    // An endpoint may have already been set. Since we're going to re-invoke the middleware pipeline we need to reset
    // the endpoint and route values to ensure things are re-calculated.
    context.HttpContext.SetEndpoint(endpoint: null);
    if (routeValuesFeature != null)
        routeValuesFeature.RouteValues = null!;

    context.HttpContext.Request.Path = newPath;
    context.HttpContext.Request.QueryString = QueryString.Empty;
        await context.Next(context.HttpContext);
        context.HttpContext.Request.QueryString = originalQueryString;
        context.HttpContext.Request.Path = originalPath;

This method was inspired by private method Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.StatusCodePagesExtensions.CreateHandler used in UseStatusCodePagesWithReExecute.

Now the website directly returns a 404 page without any redirection, which was highly appreciated by our SEO consultants.

Does that seem okay to you? I could make a PR on it if so.
5 months ago
bamba wrote:

I could make a PR on it if so.

Sure, please make a PR, we'll consider and perhaps accept it. But even if not, it can still be useful for the community.
5 months ago
The PR is ready

This issue was also mentioned here