MS Exchange not accepting email connections from Nop v4.0

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1 year ago
Can someone help me please. We have recently had to switch our email hosting to MS Exchange, and since then NopCommerce isn't sending emails when a customer places an order. I have tried using ports 587, 465 and 25, and with SSL selected and unselected, but the error returned is the same:

Error in processing. The server response was: 5.7.3 STARTTLS is required to send mail [ 2023-05-19T11:23:44.408Z 08DB576FB02CD70F]

Host setting is:

Can anyone tell me what I need to do to get my email working again?
Thank you
1 year ago
See if this helps

Are you able to send a Test message from the email setup page?
1 year ago
Thanks, I’ll look into that. No, I can’t send a test message - that error message is what I get when I try to send it.
1 year ago
The only workaround the link offered was to disable MFA, which I am not willing to do. Do you have any other suggestions?
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