Shipping by weight - always uses percentage?

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13 years ago

I assumed that "Shipping By Order Weight" works like this:

If the sum of weight of an order is from x kg to y kg, a fixed value of ## Euro is charged.

But obviously you can only set the charge per kg, leading to misresults:

E.g. the minimum charge up to 10kg is 6,90 Euro. I don't want an 5kg order to by charged with 6,90 / 2 = 3,45 Euro!

How can I solve this?

Thanx, S.
13 years ago
I found another thread:

The solution is to set

ShippingByWeight.CalculatePerWeightUnit       -->    set to false
ShippingByWeightAndCountry.CalculatePerWeightUnit     -->     set to false

Thanx, Stephan
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