UPS Shipping plugin and policy change by UPS

1 year ago
I went to UPS to get credentials for the UPS shipping plugin, and this iswhat's posted:

If you were sent here by a software provider to obtain an access key, please share the below with them as they will need to update their integration to OAuth auth-code grant type in order to continue to enable their services.

By June 2023, UPS will no longer issue new API access keys.

UPS has implemented an OAuth 2.0 security model for all APIs to enhance the overall security for our customers, reduce fraud and provide enhanced API capabilities. OAuth replaces access keys with a client ID and client secret for authentication. New OAuth credentials must be created on the UPS Developer Portal.

Is there a plan to provide a different plugin to accommodate this change, and if so then when?
1 year ago
We plan to update it soon, see here for details.
5 months ago
RomanovM wrote:
We plan to update it soon, see here for details.

Hi. I see, the source code is updated in the Dev branch, but when the changes will be available here