GetWidgetZonesAsync not being called in custom Plugin

10 months ago
I am creating a plugin, which should extend the SpecificationAttributeOption Entity and show this additional data in a WidgetZone. My Plugin inherits from IWidgetPlugin and implements GetWidgetZonesAsync

        public Task<IList<string>> GetWidgetZonesAsync()
            return Task.FromResult<IList<string>>(new List<string>

just as I have seen it done in some other Plugins.

I have installed my plugin, and reach a breakpoint in it's constructor, but the GetWidgetZonesAsync Method is never called and therefore no widgets are ever rendered out. Am I missing some registration somewhere? What are the minimal steps required to get this method to be called?
10 months ago
Did you enable the Widget
10 months ago
You are correct, my widget was not active in the widget list. Is there a way to enable this by default when the plugin is installed?

Thank you for your help
10 months ago
Add to widgetsettings.activewidgetsystemnames at install

            if (!_widgetSettings.ActiveWidgetSystemNames.Contains(XXXXWidgetName))
                await _settingService.SaveSettingAsync(_widgetSettings);
10 months ago
Thank you :)