Phoenix theme problems and editing / add a new payment gateway

8 months ago
Hello , i have installed my nopcommerce its awesome and working but i have some problem with theme i have installed . i want to use RTL language for it but on Phoenix theme when i switch to the RTL theme breaks < > on the header on the account name on 1 and 2 in the middle of the theme in shopping by category  and also on footer the same happens< > on 3 / 4
on 1 / 2 i want to delete the logo from the footer and e- mail subscribe

I'm gonna use a payment gateway is not on the marketplace how can i make this gateway compatible with nopcommerce

i hope you help thanks
8 months ago
It's a 3rd party theme, so you may want to contact their support.
From the look of your screen captures, it looks like  language resource issue, if your seeing the dotted resource name rather than text value.  Check your language resources.

RE:  "payment gateway is not on the marketplace how can i make this gateway compatible with nopcommerce"
Please create another topic. Post more information about whose payment gateway, and whether they provide an API / documentation.