Up to 30% off all nopCommerce official products. Spring sale!

4 months ago
Enjoying your nopCommerce experience but lacking some services? Then it’s high time to benefit from our spring special offer.

Use the coupon code NOP-SPRING and get access to all nopCommerce services at 30% OFF. The offer is live till March 10, 2024!

Click to buy our services with up to 30% OFF: copyright removal key, premium support service, and developer certification. Also get a 20% discount on our official Web API plugin, nopCommerce mobile app, and training program.
4 months ago
Just to clarify, will this coupon still work on March 11?
4 months ago
Linden wrote:
Just to clarify, will this coupon still work on March 11?

No, March 10th is the last promotion date
2 months ago
Any upcoming sale soon for nopCommerce copyright removal key!!
2 months ago
mafdy wrote:
Any upcoming sale soon for nopCommerce copyright removal key!!

There won't be any sales soon.
Moreover, starting from May 13th:
- The price of the copyright removal key (for one domain) will be $500.
- The price of the Wildcard copyright removal key (for multiple subdomains on a single domain) will be $1500.

Until May 13th, you can take advantage of purchasing keys at the old price.
2 months ago
wintkart wrote:
- The price of the copyright removal key (for one domain) will be $500...

Being a long-time fan of nopCommerce, I say this with the utmost sincerity: Considering the declining trend of usage, is doubling the price of the copyright removal key a wise decision?
2 months ago
New York wrote:
- The price of the copyright removal key (for one domain) will be $500...
Being a long-time fan of nopCommerce, I say this with the utmost sincerity: Considering the declining trend of usage, is doubling the price of the copyright removal key a wise decision?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and concerns about nopCommerce development, it is very valuable to us.

We constantly monitor Google Analytics metrics, registration and download numbers for nopCommerce, request quote inquiries, and many other indicators. The trend for all key indicators is positive.

You refer to Builtwith statistics, but this is not an objective approach, since this service does not and cannot have accurate data on the number of nopCommerce stores. Many nopCommerce sites don't show up in their statistics. We contacted the Builtwith team in 2019 and 2020, sending them a list of nopCommerce sites that were not in their statistics so that they could find an error in the algorithm and correct it. But they refused to change the algorithm.
In addition, more and more sites are enabling bot protection, blocking the collection of information.
Therefore, it is not correct to rely on Builtwith statistics.

Another important point is that nopCommerce is primarily a competitor to Enterprise solutions.
Considering that the cost of licenses for eCommerce solutions with a similar Enterprise functionality is usually annual and starts from $15,000 per year, even after the price for the key increases, the cost of complying with nopCommerce license terms will remain more than reasonable and justified.

Moreover, nopCommerce users can either add a “Powered by nopCommerce” hyperlink to every site page or purchase a Copyright removal key. In any case, users can use all features of nopCommerce for free.

The IT market environment has changed a lot in the last five years:
- The demand for IT employees has increased, resulting in growing salary costs for companies.
- The competition level for IT solutions has considerably increased, resulting in much more marketing expenditures required for more aggressive promotion.
During these five years, we haven't raised the price for the Copyright removal key, but to continue the active development of the platform, we need to do so.