Reward point redemption

3 months ago
Currently, rewards can be redeemed as currency. However, we are interested in a tier-based redemption system, for example: 300 points for $5 off, 500 points for $10 off, and 1000 points for $15 off.

Is there a plugin available that allows this type of tiered redemption?
3 months ago
I'm not aware of any plugin that does tier-based redemption (multiple exchange rates).  It will require customization.
3 months ago
Hi, There is no default plugin available for Reward point redemption. We need to create a custom plugin for this.

Let me know if you want help to build this plugin.
3 months ago
lanabay wrote:
Currently, rewards can be redeemed as currency. However, we are interested in a tier-based redemption system, for example: 300 points for $5 off, 500 points for $10 off, and 1000 points for $15 off.

Is there a plugin available that allows this type of tiered redemption?

You would need to custom build the plugin for something like this as this is not available out of the box.